22.04.2014 12:27
Просмотров всего: 9316; сегодня: 3.

Foreign forwarders are interested in the Russian Transport Alliance

Representatives of 30 foreign independent companies, members of the international air freight forwarders association, are ready to come to Russia in September to visit the first Acex Alliance conference.

Members of Air Cargo Group, an international alliance of the largest independent air integrators, who had a meeting on the 28-30th of March in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, still confirm their high interest in the Russian market of transport logistics.

Despite continuing concerns about the stability of Russian politics and economics, foreign partners are willing to invest their knowledge, experience and capabilities into the transport infrastructure of Russia and the CIS. It was confirmed during the negotiations of Shipco USA, Shipco Shanghai, Sifa France, and also more than 30 forwarders from Australia, South America, Central and Eastern Europe.

The main objective for already the 10th meeting of the ACG alliance members (Acex has been its member since 2013) is uniting forwarders' direct contracts with airlines around the world, access to more favorable terms by merging of air cargoes volume throughout group, providing «direct» rates from the airlines and the shipping lines from first hand, without intermediaries.

Similar goals are set to the first Russian international logistics alliance - Acex , founded in 2013 to unite independent freight forwarders. Therefore, the participants of the conference in Brazil found a large number of common points and opportunities to start cooperation between the two alliances.

• technological exchange

• integration of supply chains

• entering into Value-Incentive Contracts

• consolidation of air freight volumes

• entering new international markets

Miroslav Zolotarev, the head of Acex Alliance, specifies:« What for foreign forwarders need to unite into different alliances and associations? What for Aeroflot and Lufthansa airlines need to enter air carriers’ alliances? What do alliances give to them? Business; power; consolidation; special terms and conditions for the members; other more beneficial rates. Our alliance has the same idea and sets the same tasks. International companies have understood this long ago, they aim at integrating. Our forwarders have the same goals. We give them this possibility now, inviting the best regional transport companies to join the Russian logistics alliance».

Foreign colleagues expressed their willingness to come to Russia for communication and negotiations with the Russian alliance members and to look for the opportunities of joint business development.

Acex Alliance conference will be held in September 2014 in Moscow.

Acex Group – международная транспортно-экспедиторская компания, объединяющая профессионалов рынка логистики Европы и России, оказывает комплексные услуги по международным грузоперевозкам всеми видами транспорта и таможенному оформлению уже более 20 лет.

Офисы компании сконцентрированы в основных крупнейших городах России, Украины, Казахстана, Финляндии, Эстонии, Латвии и Литвы. Представительства региональных сетевых партнеров находятся в более чем 200 странах мира. Складские площади компании насчитывают более 30 000 кв.м. и располагаются во всех крупнейших бизнес центрах Евросоюза и СНГ.

Ньюсмейкер: Acex Group — 133 публикации


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